What is Mudra Loan ?
MUDRA loans are extended by banks, NBFCs, MFIs and other eligible financial intermediaries as notified by MUDRA Ltd. The Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 8th April 2015, envisages providing MUDRA loan, upto ` 10 lakh, to income generating micro enterprises engaged in manufacturing, trading and services sectors. The overdraft amount of ` 5000 sanctioned under PMJDY has been also classified as MUDRA loans under Prime Minister MUDRA Yojana (PMMY).
The MUDRA loans are extended under following three categories :
- Loans upto 50,000/- (Shishu)
- Loans from 50,001 to 5 lakh (Kishore)
- Loans from 5,00,001/- to 10 lakh (Tarun)
- Loans upto 50 Lakh
More focus would be given to Shishu.
Accordingly, all advances granted on or after 8th April 2015 falling under the above category are classified as MUDRA loans under the PMMY. The application forms for such loans shall also carry the name “Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana.
Interest rates are to be charged as per the policy decision of the bank. However, the interest rate charged to ultimate borrowers shall be reasonable. Scheduled Commercial Banks, RRBs and Cooperative Banks wishing to avail of refinance from MUDRA will have to peg their interest rates, as advised by MUDRA Ltd., from time to time. Upfront fee/Processing charges. Banks may consider charging of upfront fee as per their internal guidelines. The upfront fee/processing charges for Shishu loans are waived by most banks.